RDPRU - Research Projects & Studies

The RDPRU has gained extensive experience in managing research projects through its participation either as a coordinator or as a member of various teams. At the same time, RDPRU has contributed to the implementation of several studies that have been carried out at Greek and international level. Indicatively, the following is a list of the research projects and studies in which RDPRU has participated from 1995 until today:



Scientific coordinator

  1. 2021-2022. Fourth Industrial Revolution: Challenges & Opportunities for Europe. ENA Institute Financed by European Commission, Jean Monnet Projects
  2. 2012-2015. Human Capabilities as a Basic Component of Development Dynamics and Differentiation of The Regions: The Case of Greece (HIDDEN), Research Project under the Operational Programme "Education and Life-Long Learning" by the Greek Ministry of Education (budget: 600,000 Euros)
  3. 2004 - 2006. The moving frontier: the changing geography of production in labour intensive industries Financed by European Commission 6th Framework programme, (priority 7 citizens and governance in a knowledge based society  (FERP/deliverables/final deliverable/final deliverable for master/final report 150203 //   Ferp/deliverables/final deliverable/final deliverable for master/national report/FinalNatReports 050202http://afroditi.uom.gr/move/http://afroditi.uom.gr/move/http://econlab.uom.gr/~move       https://cordis.europa.eu/project/i…
  4. 2001- 2002. Research of the Albanian Labour Market: Identification of gaps in supply and demand of Labour and policy directions for the reintroduction of return-migrants».  Financed by the Hellenic Manpower Organisation
  5. 2000—2002. The future of Europe’s Rural Periphery: the role of entrepreneurship in responding to employment problems and social marginalisation”. Financed by European Commission 5th Framework programme(FERP/deliverables/final deliverable/final deliverable for master/final report 150203 //   Ferp/deliverables/final deliverable/final deliverable for master/national report/FinalNatReports 050202) https://cordis.europa.eu/docs/proj…
  6. 2000—2002. Rural entrepreneurship and employment in Transition (Russia, Ukraine). Financed by INTAS http://afroditi.uom.gr/ruret/
  7. 2000—2001. Study on the orientation of interventions with regard to employment in the manufacturing and service sectors in the prefecture of Thessaloniki. Financed by the Greek Ministry of Development.
  8. 2000. Greek Investments in Bulgaria (with Kalogeresis T.) Financed by DIPEK.(75/dipekreport)
  9. 2000. The role of emigrants from the CEEs in the economy of Thessaloniki. Financed by European Commission (INTEMIGRA) / Region of Central Macedonia. (metanastes /metanastLyber).
  10. 2000. Statistical data on the Albanian emigrants in Thessaloniki. Financed by European Commission (INTEMIGRA) / Region of Central Macedonia.
  11. 1999-2000. A comparative Analysis of economic conditions in the Christian compared to the Pomacks – muslim communities of mountainous areas of Rodopi and Xanthi. Financed by the University of Macedonia.
  12. 1998-1999. Strategic Plan for the development of the Prefecture of Rodopi. Finaced by the Development Enterprise of the Prefecture of Rodopi. (73/rodopi1/rodopi2 73/rodopi)
  13. 1997-98. Ex post evaluation of the anticipated economic implications from the Cultural City of Thessaloniki 1997 Financed by European Cultural City Thessaloniki ’97
  14. 1997. The Greek industry and developments in Central and Eastern Europe: potentials and challenges. Financed by the Ministry of Industry. (16/ch12…16/para..excel16/epen7/databas/  epen5)
  15. 1996-98. The economic implications for the development of Greece and Northern Greece in particular, due to the opening of the Greek industry to the Balkans Financed by the General Secretary of Research and Technology. (16/c123, c7, c789, excel /ggetepen)
  16. 1996. Textile and garment industry in the Prefectures of Drama, Kavala and Xanthi. Financed by the Ministry of Industry (28/seve2)


Member of Research teams

  1. 2008. M. L. Fonseca FLUL (Scientific co-ordinator) Generating Interethnic Tolerance and Neighbourhood Integration in European Urban Space (GEITONIES). Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (18/griginx, 18/grig, 18/griperib, 18/interim) https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/216184
  2. 2006. Smallbone D. (Co-ordinator), Challenges and Prospects of Cross Border Co-operation in the Context of EU Enlargement (CBCED), Sixth Framework Programmehttps://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/29038/it
  3. 2006. Region Apulia (Scientific co-ordinator) News people’s relations in Eastern Mediterranean (PEOPLES), INTERREG III B ARCHIMED
  4. 2006. Important structural changes in entrepreneurship conditions in Greece and the impacts on employees’ positions and sepcialisations, Financed by the Ministry of Development.
  5. 2004. Technological perspective research into Central Macedonia: Economic Space of Southern-East Europe, Scientific Coordinator Kafkalas Gr. Research commission Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki.
  6. 2004. Gender, house-work and national identity: Intercultural composition of house space in Greece, Scientific Coordinator Papataxiarchis Α. Pithagoras, Ministry of Education
  7. 2002-2005 Mitchley J. (Co-ordinator), Scenarios for reconciling biodiversity conservation with declining agricultural use in the mountains of Europe (BIOSCENE- (Total budget: 2 296 199 euros and UoM budget 155 639 euros)(Total budget: EUR 410.000, UoM budget 18.500) (Total budget: 2 296 199 euros and UoM budget 155 639 euros) https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/EVK2-CT-2002-00167
  8. 1998-99 European Space and Territorial Integration Alternatives. Spatial Development strategies and policy integration for the South East Europe Scientific Coordinator Kafkalas Gr. Financed by Ministry of Spatial Planning Housing and Environment
  9. 1998-2000 Studies on young entrepreneurs, women entrepreneurs, co-entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs from ethnic minorities in the EU. Financed by European Commission DGXXVI  https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/af33ef87-6cee-451c-991b-feadcbf2e35a
  10. 1998-2000 Evaluation of the impact of European policies on the Aegean islands. Ministry of the Aegean (in Greek).
  11. 1997. Informal forms of manufacturing production and urban space in the Greater Area of Athens. Financed by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (5/fasathi)
  12. 1996-98. Spatial consequences of European Policies. Financed by the Greek Ministry of Environment.
  13. 1996-98. Internationalisation, inter-firm linkages and SME development in central and eastern Europe. Financed by E.U. -Phare ACE 1995.
  14. 1996. “Analysis of the regional productive system of Central Macedonia“. In: Regional Technological Plan of Central Macedonia.  Financed by EU., pp. 534 volumesι 4 (29/rtp)
  15. 1995. Spatial planning management and environmental protection from concentrated industrial activities into coastal areas.  Scientific coordinator Kafkalas G., Financed by the Greek Ministry of Environment. 
  16. 1995. Research on development of agrotourism into mountainous communities of Peonia County. Scientific coordinator Iakovidou O. Financed by EEC-Interreg I. (16/olga 3/olga)



Scientific co-ordinator

  1. 2001-2002. Labour force survey in Albania, (cooperation with the Albanian Centre for Economic and Social Studies). Financed by the Greek Manpower Employment Organisation.
  2. 2000-2001. Survey for the orientation of interventions related with the employment in manufacturing and services in Thessaloniki, Financed by Ministry of Development.
  3. 1999-2000. Strategic planning of regional and cross-border transit centres in Western Macedonia, Financed by the Prefecture of Western Macedonia.
  4. 1997-99. Evaluation of Community Support Framework for Western Macedonia. Financed by EU/Ministry of National Economy, pp. 359
  5. 1994. Investigation of investment opportunities in Southern Albania. Financed by EEC, INTERREG I Prefecture of Kastoria, pp. 120.


Team member

  1. 2002. Metropolitan Governance in the Greater Area of Thessaloniki, Scientific Coordinator Kafkalas G., Financed by Ministry of internal affairs.
  2. 2000—2002. Action Plan for a Strategic Development Plan for Thessaloniki. Financed by the Ministry of Spatial Planning Housing and Environment.2002 Μητροπολιτική Διακυβέρνηση στην Ευρύτερη Περιοχή Θεσσαλονίκη (Συνεργασία με Καυκαλά Γ., Ανδρικοπούλου Ε., Γιαννακού Α., Πιτσάβα Μ., Παπαμίχο Ν.). Χρηματοδότηση Υπ. Εσωτερικών Δημόσιας Διοίκησης και Αποκέντρωσης http://estia.arch.auth.gr/thessaloniki/strategic-plan/index.htm
  3. 1994. Strategic Plan for the development of the prefecture of Pella. Financed by the Prefecture.
  4. 1994. Poverty III Local development strategies in economically disintegrated areas, EEC. Financed by the European Communities.
  5. 1994. Management of space and protection of the environment from the concentration of industry in sea front areas. Financed by the Greek Ministry of Spatial Planning Housing and Environment.
  6. 1994. Investigation of investment opportunities in southern Albania. Financed by EEC - INTERREG I - Prefecture of Kastoria.
  7. 1993. Working conditions of SMEs in the border area of Northern Greece. Financed by the Commission of the EEC, DG XXIII.
  8. 1993. The implications of the film festival in the city of Drama. Financed by EEC/ Euroform Prefecture of Drama.
  9. 1993. Strategic Plan for the development of the prefecture of Kilkis. Financed by the Prefecture of Kilkis.
  10. 1993. Plan for tourist development of mountainous areas of the province of Paionia, prefecture of Kilkis. Financed by EEC - INTERREG I.
  11. 1993. Local development plan of Southern Pieria. Financed by EEC- Development Federation of Pieria.
  12. 1993. Investigation of the spatial structure and the investment opportunities of the area of Loutra Loutrakiou in the Prefecture of Pella. Financed by the Industrial Development Bank of Greece.
  13. 1993. Industrial development incentives in Albania. Financed by Athens University.
  14. 1993. Development Plan of the municipality of Edessa. Financed by Municipality pp. 896.(3/edes edesa edesa2,3)
  15. 1992. INTERREG I, Prefectures of Central and Western Macedonia. Financed by the European Communities.
  16. 1987. Report on Thessaloniki for the five-year plan for the economic and social development of Greece 1988-1992. Prefecture of Thessaloniki.
  17. 1987. Preliminary report on the five year plan for economic and social development of the region of Central Macedonia. Prefecture of Thessaloniki.
  18. 1986. Feasibility study of a development program for the Province of Langada of the Prefecture of Thessaloniki. Prefecture of Thessaloniki.