Guest editor
- 2022 Labrianidis L., Hadjimichalis C. Introduction /guest editors special issue of journal Geographies («Γεωγραφίες») vol. 38 on socio spatial inequalities
- 2011. Labrianidis L., Kalantaridis C. and Dunford M., “Delocalisation of Economic Activity: agents, places and industries”, Regional Studies, Special Issue, 45(2): 147-151
- 2006. Labrianidis L. “Fostering entrepreneurship as a means to overcome barriers to development of peripheral areas in Europe”, Special issue of the Journal of European Planning Studies, vol. 14(1), pp. 3-8.
Journal papers
- 2023 Labrianidis, L., Sykas, T., Sachini, E. and Karampekios, N. "Socioeconomic status of international students and its relation to the brain drain: evidence from Greek PhD holders", International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- 2023. Labrianidis L., Sykas T, Sachini E., Karampekios N. "The impact of highly skilled emigrants on the origin country’s innovation performance: the case of Greece" International Journal of Manpower Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- 2022. Labrianidis L., Sykas T, Sachini E., Karampekios N. “Innovation as a cause of highly skilled migration: Evidence from Greece”, Intrernational Migration ,
- 2021. Labrianidis L., Sykas Th., Sachini E., Karampekios N. “Highly educated skilled migrants are attracted to global cities: the case of Greek Ph.D. holders”, Population, Space And Place
- 2021. Sachini E., Labrianidis L., Sioumalas –Christodoulou K. Chrysomallidis Ch., Siganos G., Belouli A. and Karampekios N. “Research on Researchers. Coping during COVID-19. Results on a Nation-Wide Survey”, Science and Public Policy, scab028,
- 2019. Labrianidis L., Sachini E. and Karampekios N, Establishing a Greek diaspora Knowledge network through “Knowledge and partnership bridges” Science & Diplomacy, May.
- 2019. Kalogeressis Th. & Labrianidis L. “De-Localization”, International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, edited by Audrey Kobayashi Oxford: Elsevier
- 2017. Pratsinakis M., Hatziprokopiou P. Labrianidis L., Vogiatzis, N. Living together in multi-ethnic cities: People of migrant background, their interethnic friendships and the neighbourhood, Urban Studies 54 (1) pp 102-118
- 2017. Labrianidis L. and Sykas T. Why high school students aspire to emigrate: Evidence from Greece, Journal of International Migration and Integration 18 (1), pp 107–130 DOI10.1007/s12134-015-0468-3
- 2016. Labrianidis L. and Pratsinakis M. “Greece’s new Emigration at times of Crisis” GreeSE Paper No.99 LSE
- 2014. Labrianidis L. Investing in leaving: The Greek case of international migration of professionals, Mobilities 9(2), 314-335
- 2013. Labrianidis L and Vogiatzis N. The mutually reinforcing relation between international migration of highly-educated labour force and economic crisis: The case of Greece, South East European and Black Sea Studies, 13(4), 525-551
- 2013. Labrianidis L. and Sykas T. “Social Construction of Community and Immigration Networks in Rural Areas: Towards a Dynamic View of Their Importance to Balkan Immigrants”, Sociologia Ruralis 53(1), pp. 1-25
- 2013. Labrianidis L. and Vogiatzis N. “Highly Skilled Migration: What Differentiates the ‘Brains’ Who Are Drained from Those Who Return in the Case of Greece?”, Population, Space and Place 19 (5), 472-486 DOI: 10.1002/psp.1726
- 2012. Smith, A., Coe, N., Baylina, M., Labrianidis, L. Editorial, European Urban and Regional Studies 19 (1) , pp. 3-5
- 2011. J. Tzanopoulos, A.S. Kallimanis, I. Bella, A. Togridou, L. Labrianidis, S. Sgardelis, J. Pantis “Agricultural decline and sustainable development on mountain areas in Greece: sustainability assessment of future scenarios”, Land Use Policy, 28(3), pp. 585-593.
- 2011. Labrianidis L. Sykas T. “Immigrants’ employment strategies and their economic welfare: The Case of the Greek Countryside”, Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 11(2), pp. 133-153
- 2011. Labrianidis L., Vogiatzis N. “Local Delocalization across the borders: The case of the garment quasi-cluster in the Balkans", Journal of Borderland Studies, 26(1),pp.35-51.
- 2011. Labrianidis L. “How the lack of a “growth coalition” in a city leads to missed opportunities: Thessaloniki’s slow development path since the 90s”, Antipode, 43(5), pp. 1801-1827.
- 2010. Kalogeresis, A. and Labrianidis, L., "From spectator to walk-on to actor: An exploratory study of the internationalisation of Greek firms since 1989”, The European Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 7(1), pp. 121-143. Z:\Word Files\MOVE\publications\From spectator to walk in5.doc
- 2010. Labrianidis L. “The Greek university stranded in the policy establishing regional universities”, European Planning Studies, 18(12), pp. 2009-2026.
- 2010. Labrianidis L. and Hatziprokopiou P. “Migrant entrepreneurship in Greece: diversity of pathways for emerging ethnic business communities in Thessaloniki”, International Migration and Integration, 11(2), pp. 193-217.
- 2010. Kalogeresis, A. and Labrianidis, L., "Delocalization and Development: Empirical findings from Selected European Countries", Competition and Change, 14(2), pp.100-23.
- 2010. Labrianidis L. “The Greek university: the great looser of the policies aiming to establish regional universities, GEOGRAFIES, no. 16.
- 2009. Labrianidis L. Sykas T. “Preconditions for the economic mobility of immigrants working in the countryside: The case of Greece”, International Journal of Social Economics, 36(8), pp. 798-812. Z:\Word Files\metanastes\Metanastes Ypaithrou\Econ_Mobil_Rev F.doc
- 2009. Labrianidis L. and Sykas T., “Migrants, economic mobility and socio-economic change in rural areas”, European Urban and Regional Studies 16(3), pp. 237-256.\Word Files\metanastes\Metanastes Ypaithrou\Migrants_in_Rural_areas_EURS_Rev_[3F] no comments.doc Z:\Word Files\metanastes\Metanastes Ypaithrou\Μigrants in Rural areas EURS 12.doc
- 2009. Labrianidis L. and Sykas T. “Geographical proximity and immigrant labor in agriculture: The case of Albanian immigrants in the Greek countryside” Sociologia Ruralis, 49(4), pp. 394-414.
- 2007. Labrianidis L. “La relation ambiguë de la Grèce avec les Balkans: Afflux d’immigrés en Grèce et ‘fuite’ des entreprises à haute intensité de main-d’œuvre, les deux visages de Janus”, Mesogeios, vol. 32-33.
- 2007. Kalantaridis C., Labrianidis L., Vassilev I., “Entrepreneurship and institutional change in Post-Socialist rural areas: some evidence from Russia and the Ukraine”, Journal of East European Management Studies, vol. 12 (1), pp.9-34.
- 2006. Labrianidis L., Kalogeressis T. “The digital divide in Europe’s rural enterprises”, European Planning Studies, vol. 14(1), pp.23-39. Z:\Word Files\Ferp\publications\EPS\Final Digital_Divide.doc…
- 2007. Labrianidis L. “Fostering entrepreneurship as a means to overcome barriers to development of rural peripheral areas in Europe”, European Planning Studies, vol. 14(1), pp. 3-8.
- 2006. Kazazi, B., Labrianidis L. “Albanian return-migrants from Greece and Italy: their impacts upon spatial disparities within”, European Urban and Regional Studies, vol. 13(1), pp. 59-74.
- 2006. Deffner A., Labrianidis L. “Planning culture and time in a mega-event: Thessaloniki as the European City of Culture in 1997”, International Planning Studies, vol. 10(3-4), pp. 241-264.
- 2004. Labrianidis L., Bella, I. “In-migration as a development factor for rural areas», Topos v. 23-24, pp. 135-154.(Z:\Word Files\BIOSCENE\In migrants\in_migrants 240404 LL 8.doc)
- 2004. Labrianidis L., Lyberaki A., Tinios P. and Hatziprokopiou P. “Inflow of migrants and outflow of FDI: Aspects of interdependence between Greece and the Balkans”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 30(6), pp. 1183-1208.
- 2004. Labrianidis L., Lyberaki A. “Back and forth and in-between: Albanian return-migrants from Greece and Italy”, Journal of International Migration and Integration, vol. 5(1), pp. 77-106.
- 2004. Kalantaridis C., Labrianidis L., “The delocalisation of production in labour intensive industries: Instances of triangular manufacturing between Germany, Greece and FYROM”, European Planning Studies, vol. 12(8), pp.1157-1173.
- 2004. Kalantaridis C., Labrianidis L. “Rural entrepreneurs in Russia and the Ukraine: origins, motivations and institutional change”, Journal of Economic Issues, vol.XXXVIII(3), pp. 659-681.
- reprinted in The ICFAI Journal οf Entrepreneurship Development. (INTAS/publication Christ final 4041202, Kalanraidis Labrianidis article pdf) Z:\Word Files\Intas\jeems post-socialist rural areas 121206.doc Z:\Word Files\Intas\jeems post-socialist rural areas 121206.doc
- 2003. Labrianidis L., Hatziprokopiou, P. “Return migration and economic development: the case of Albanian migrants that they return from Greece and Italy”, Topos vol. 20-21, pp. 77-97.
- 2003. Labrianidis L. “Local products as a means to facilitate the development of Europe’s rural periphery”, Aeixoros, 2(1), pp. 6-35. (\ferp\publications\local product 6.)
- 2003. Kazazi B., Labrianidis L. “Emigrantet shqiptare ne Selanik: Imazhi ikrijuar dhe realiteti”, Ekonomia dhe Biznesi, vol.9, Universiteti i Tiranes, Fakulteti Ekonomik. (balkans /trade4a2/ trade4table2 excel/16/trade4diagram)
- 2002. Labrianidis L., Rylmon, P. "Findings on Employment from fieldwork in the Prefecture of Thessaloniki", Ergasia (A publication of the Institute of Urban Environment and Human Resources - Panteion Univerity of Athens pp. 221-246) YPAN/article erevna pediou final a 13.11.01
- 2001. Labrianidis L., “European Cultural Capital: Thessaloniki 1997”, Social Science Tribune vol. 31, pp. 65-98.
- 2001. Labrianidis L. “Internal frontiers” as a hindrance to development”, European Planning Studies, vol. 9(1), pp. 85-103.
- 2001. Karagianni S., Labrianidis L. “The pros and cons of SMEs going international: Greek companies in Bulgaria”, Eastern European Economics, vol. 39(2), pp. 5-28.
- 2000. Labrianidis L., Kalantaridis, C. “The internationalisation of SMEs from countries of intermediate development”, Social Science Tribune, vol. 28, pp. 89-110
- 1999. Labrianidis L. “The impact of the Greek military surveillance zone on the Greek side of the Bulgarian - Greek borderlands”, International Boundaries Research Unit, Boundary and Security Bulletin, vol. 7(2), pp 82-93.
- 1999. Kalantaridis C., Labrianidis L. ‘Family production and the global market: Rural industrial growth in Greece’, Sociologia Ruralis, vol. 39(2) pp. 146-164.
- 1999. Deffner A., Labrianidis L. “The development of planning education and its relation to the belated start of Geography teaching in Greek Universities”, European Planning Studies, vol. 7(2), pp. 243-253.
- 1998. Labrianidis L., ”The establishment of a Border Free Industrial Zone in Thrace“, Agora Choris Synora 3(4), 265-280
- 1998. Labrianidis L., Karagianni and I. Katsikas “The presence of Greek firms in the CEE’s. Peculiarities and consequences”, Social Science Tribune, vol. 24, 87- 122 (in Greek).
- 1998. Labrianidis L., Piasecki B., Smallbone D., Todorov K., Venesaar U. “Internationalisation and SME development in transition economies”, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, vol. 5(4), pp. 363-375.
- 1998. Kalantaridis C., Labrianidis L. “Internationalisation and entrepreneurial responses οn the European periphery: the experience of North Eastern Greece”, The Journal of Entrepreneurship, vol. 7(1), pp. 1-26.
- 1997. Labrianidis L., “Local development and restrictive regulations: the case of the Surveillance Zone in the Pomak villages in Xanthi”, Topos vol. 13, 17-46
- 1997. Labrianidis L., “The opening of the Greek companies to the Balkan markets might have important negative consequences in the development of the country’, The Hellenic Review of Political Sciences, vol. 9, pp. 65-101.
- 1997. Labrianidis L.. «Subcontracting relations in the Greek industry and the Balkans”, Agora choris synora, 2(3), pp. 193-211. (27/balkeo1)
- 1997. Asteriou D., Labrianidis L., Siriopoulos C. “Convergence of the per capita income in the Prefectures of Greece”, Topos vol. 13, 63-76
- 1997. Kalantaridis C., Labrianidis L. “Globalisation and local industrial development in the European periphery: Enterprise strategies in Eastern Macedonia and Thrace”, European Planning Studies, vol. 5(4), pp. 477-494.
- 1996. Labrianidis L. “Some thoughts on the industrial policy in view of the opening of the Greek companies in the Balkans”, Tetradia INE, 6-7, pp. 75-85. (Balkans /ine)
- 1996. Labrianidis L., “The teaching of Geography in Greek Universities”, Social Science Tribune vol. E ( 20 ) pp. 195-233.
- 1996. Labrianidis L. “The opening of the Balkan markets and consequent economic problems in Greece”, Modern Greek Studies, vol. 12/13, pp. 211-235.
- 1996. Labrianidis L. “Subcontracting in Greek manufacturing and the opening of the Balkan markets”, Cyprus Journal of Economics, vol. 9(1), pp. 29-45.
- 1995. Labrianidis L., Papayannakis, L. “The recent economic history of Halkidiki”, Topos vol. 10, pp. 309-312.
- 1995. Labrianidis L. “Εstablishing Universities as a policy for local economic development: an assessment of the direct economic impact-Three Greek Universities”, Higher Education Policy, vol. 8(2), pp. 55-62.
- 1995. Labrianidis L. “Neue Universitaten in Griecheland als Mittel der Regionalpolitik”, Raumforschung und Raumordnung, vol. 4(53), pp. 309-312.
- 1995. Labrianidis L. “Flexibility in production through subcontracting: the case of the poultry meat industry in Greece”, Environment and Planning A' (Urban & Regional Research), vol. 27, pp. 193-203.
- 1994. Labrianidis L. «Some thoughts on the new industrial policy”, Topos, 8, pp.353-370.
- 1993. Labrianidis L., "Establishment of peripheral universities in Greece", Topos vol. 6, pp. 111-139.
- 1993. Vaiou D., Labrianidis L., Chronaki Z. Hadjimichalis C., "Subcontracting relations in manufacturing and their impact on urban growth", Social Science Tribune, vol. 11, pp 73-105.
- 1993. Chronaki Z., Hadjimichalis C., Labrianidis L., Vaiou D. "Diffused industrialisation in Thessaloniki. From expansion to crisis", International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, vol. 17(2), pp. 178-194. Doi 10.1111/j.1468-2427.1993.tb00475.x
- 1991. Labrianidis L., "How persuasive a quantitative analysis of subcontracting can be", Annals of Political Economy, vol. 9, pp. 115-139.
- 1991. Labrianidis L. “Diffused industrialisation in Thessaloniki”, (with Vaiou D., Hadjimichalis C. and Chronaki Z.), Sychrona Themata, 45, pp. 70-79.
- 1990. Labrianidis L., Ρapamichos Ν. “Regional distribution of industry and the role of the state in Greece”, Εnvironment and Ρlanning C’ (Government and Policy), vol. 8(4), σσ. 455-76.
- 1989. Kalogirou Ν., Karagianni St., Labrianidis L., "The consequences of incentives on the regional development of Greek industry", Greek Review of Social Research, vol. 73, pp. 39-77.
- 1989. Labrianidis L., "Regional development incentives for industry: a critical review", Technika Chronika, vol. 9(2), pp. 227-256.
- 1988. Labrianidis L., "Problems in the industrialisation of an agricultural area", Greek Review of Agrarian Studies, vol. 2(4), pp. 136-166.
- 1987. Labrianidis L. “Restructuring the Greek tobacco industry”, Αntipode, vol. 19 (2), σσ. 134-153.
- 1985. Labrianidis L., "Space and society: industrial location in capitalist social formations", Technika Chronika, vol. 5(4), pp. 113- 140.
- 1983. Labrianidis L., "Distribution of tobacco manufacturing and trading industry in Greece: a process of increasing concentration", City and Region, vol. 7, pp. 11-40.